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Support Desk

Haut.AI team is happy to hear your feedback or feature requests or help you with any issues.

Self-help Guide

Before contacting the Support Team, please, firstly:

  • check the Trobleshooting section for most common questions
  • check the API reference section for detailed API description
  • check the Changelog section for the latest updates, that might have affected your application

Reaching for the Support Team


  1. Please, register in Support Desk with your company work e-mail. This e-mail will be used by Haut.AI to communicate back when the issue is reviewed. Your colleagues can be invited to have the access to this issue as well.
  2. Please, specify the Company name that owns the license, that you are currently having a problem with. Requests without Company name specified will be automatically declined.
  3. If you are willing to modify your license, please, specify the License Key that you are willing to modify and the what changes (activations/presets/license cancelling) you are willing to make.
  4. If you are facing the issue, please:
    1. describe how the issue looks like, add console log screenshots, add screenshots/video recordings of LIQA incorrect work;
    2. provide the link to your application, where the issue can be reproduced (if possible);
    3. describe how to reproduce the issue: specify the affected device model(s), browser, OS version, the development framework you are using (e.g. Vue, React, pure JS, etc.);
  5. The Support Team will reach you back in 8 hours. You will receive an e-mail notification to the your e-mail.
  6. The Support Team will try to help you with the problem as fast as possible. Usually:
    1. the bug fixes can be delivered in a matter of 1 week and are automatically applied to your LIQA integration (see Updates Policy)
    2. the major improvements or feature requests are collected, prioritized and scheduled. You can see the current plan of the development in Feature Roadmap section.
  7. Please, check the proposed solution and let us know if the issue was resolved.