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The Company must acquire the license for LIQA product to be able to embed LIQA into the application. This page briefly describes the license conditions, some key terms, the license acquisition and license modification processes.

How to acquire the license?

Please, contact Haut.AI with this request via the website "Request Demo" contact form. Please, include in your request all the relevant information about your Company business: intended usage, potential size of users, interest in specific use cases, etc.

What is included in the license?

The license includes LIQA for embedding into 1 activation with 1 configuration preset.

You can modify the license after purchase for your use cases, including adding more activations or switching to different preset. Readl this section to learn more.

What is an activation?

Activation is a unique identifier of your application, where LIQA will be embedded. This identifier is specialized by the Company; for the web applications the activation is a domain name of URL, where LIQA will be integrated.

By default, the license includes only 1 activation:

  • Being initialized with your access credentials, LIQA will execute only on this activation;
  • ⚠️ Being initialized on an activation, not included in your license, LIQA execution will result in error.

What is a preset?

Preset is a set of LIQA settings, defining the User Flow and the User Interface for specific purpose of image collection. This preset is selected by the Company from the available options. Check the available preset options.

By default, the license includes only 1 preset:

  • Being initialized with your access credentials, LIQA will execute only on with this preset;
  • ⚠️ Being provided a preset, not included in your license during the installation phase, LIQA execution will result in error.

How to change or cancel the license?

  1. You are expanding and need to add more activations?
  2. You are willing to try another use case with LIQA and need another preset?
  3. You are canceling the license?

Please, contact Haut.AI Support Team with this request via the Support Desk. The license will be updated accordingly with no change of the access credentials and no need to re-install LIQA.

The license is provided exclusively for the Company. No rights can be derived from the obtained license. You are not allowed to resell LIQA under your brand, reverse engineer LIQA, or modify LIQA (except the Customization options). See more about using Haut.AI products in Terms & Conditions.

The license is provided only for a limited period of time, defined by the conditions of the purchased subscription for LIQA product. After the expiration of the subscription period, the license will be automatically deactivated.

⚠️ Being initialized with your access credentials after the subscription expiration date, LIQA execution will result in error.