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Migration from iframe v4 [beta] API

This page is designed to help clients migrate from the deprecated older version of LIQA to the current one. This page contains information for clients, utilising LIQA v4 [beta] API, described in previous documentation.

Versions Comparison Summary

Featureprevious (iframe v4 [beta])current (web component v6)
Delivery methodCDNCDN
Integration methodJS scriptweb component
Image format by defaultbase64blob
User Interfaceincluded, old designincluded, new design
Option to upload image from device gallerynoyes, optional

Migration Steps


We recommend to fully remove the previous LIQA version integration from the code of your application before start.

  1. Start by following the Quick Start integration with default settings
  2. Add a function to perform image conversion from blob to base64 to match the /upload SaaS API.
  3. If your application allows users to upload images from the device gallery, allow this option in the new LIQA by default and remove this feature from your application code.
  4. Customize the LIQA interface style and texts. See UI styling and text replacement documentation pages.
  5. Add error handling logic.
  6. Test your application on mobile devices. Check system requirements for the best performance.
  7. Check our recent updates regularly on the What's new? page.

Features Compatibility Notes

Change size of iframe window

The previous version (v4 [beta]) offered a way to set the size of the iframe tag that LIQA uses by adjusting the height and width in the relevant CSS <style> tag. The current version (v6) provides LIQA as a native web component, so you can set the size of the container natively.

Select preset (hair)

The previous version (v4 [beta]) offered a way to select a preset (face or hair) by passing the "distancePresets": "hair" in the data-liqa-config. The current version (v6) offers an API to select a preset, check the Presets documentation page.

Manually start LIQA session

The previous version (v4 [beta]) offered a way to start LIQA manually by passing autostart: false in the data-liqa-config. The current version (v6) starts LIQA session automatically after the web component is rendered. You can postpone the session start by changing the visibility of the container, check the guide about hidden property.

Texts replacement

The previous version (v4 [beta]) offered a way to replace texts by using Liqa.fn.setI18n method, see previous version doc.The current version (v6) offers a way to replace texts, see Text replacement documentation page.