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What is LIQA?

LIQA is a JavaScript-based library that provides a ready-to-use "smart camera" experience - the interactive interface for user to take a high quality photo of a specific body part.


LIQA is developed by Haut.AI.

LIQA™ stands for "Live Image Quality Assurance".

How LIQA works?

  1. LIQA component is embbeded into any application.
  2. LIQA component accepts the customization configurations from the parent application as an input every time it is started on the user device.
  3. LIQA component starts the user session, where the user is guided to take a high quality photo of a specific body part.
  4. LIQA component returns the collected standardized image as Image Capture object to the parent application as an output.
  5. LIQA component receives automatic updates from Haut.AI including bug fixes, new features, and improvements.
    • Follow the Changelog to stay updated with the latest changes;
    • Follow the Going Live guide to make sure your application is ready for the production use in accordance to best practices of using LIQA.

What LIQA is not designed for?

Production usage on desktop ❌

LIQA is designed to be primarily used on modern smartphones.

Mobile devices usually have high quality cameras and high computational power, combined with the mobility and ease of use. The recommended requirements are listed in the System Requirements section.

LIQA is not designed to be used on desktop computers or laptops, as the user experience and image quality may be significantly worse. We recommend using LIQA on desktops only for testing purposes.

Liveness check ❌

LIQA is desinged to help users to collect the standardized images of their body parts.

LIQA does not provide any liveness check or any other biometric verification.


What is a standardized image?

Every image has a set of quality parameters values, such as visibility of body part area, its position in frame relative to camera, illumination intensity and direction, etc. In the real world, the quality parameters values can vary significantly, but the AI analysis requires them to be in specific narrow ranges to return the most correct and stable result.

The standardized images are the images with all quality parameters that could impact the AI analysis having values in specific narrow ranges.

  • The ranges are defined based on the consequent AI analysis requirements to make sure that each standardized image results in the most possibly correct and stable AI analysis result;
  • Different body parts images requires different standardization. LIQA has user flow configurations, predefined for several body parts - presets.

How LIQA helps users to collect it?

The process of image collection is guided by LIQA in a way that the user is able to take a high quality photo of a specific body part.

  • LIQA uses a device camera to capture the video strean with a relevant body part. LIQA supports both front and back cameras for mobile devices, see Image Sources for more details;
  • LIQA evaluates multiple quality parameters values of user body part image in real-time;
  • LIQA displays to the user with the Augmented Reality (AR) indicators that help to understand the required quality parameters values for the standardized image.